Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival / 25. - 30.10.2018

Eintrag vom 27. Oktober 2018


Das internationale Dokumentarfilmfestival in Jihlava zeichnet sich durch experimentelle und offene Formen des Dokmentarischen aus.

"The idea to create an event known under its present title – Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival – was conceived in the minds of a group of Jihlava high school students in 1997. And because words soon became reality, each autumn the Ji.hlava IDFF brought together dozens and later hundreds and thousands of viewers, directors, producers, film critics, journalists, friends and family of documentary cinema to spend several days "thinking through film". Today, 20 years later, we can proudly claim that this celebration of creative documentary cinema has long been recognised as the largest event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe."

Das Festival zeigt 16 filmische Arbeiten aus Österreich. Hier geht es zum Programm.